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The building that houses the current Center for Studies in Water and Biomass (NAB) of the Fluminense Federal University (UFF) is the result of a partnership between the UFF Institute of Chemistry and Petrobras. The new building is located on the Praia Vermelha campus, in the Boa Viagem neighborhood (in Niterói) on a plot of land that faces Guanabara Bay, sharing with its neighbors one of the most beautiful views of the city. The place where the building is located – as well as a good part of the Praia Vermelha campus at UFF – is the result of a landfill area resulting from the historic dismantling of part of the Gragoatá hill. Its implantation quota varies up to 8m in relation to Av. Gal. N. Tavares de Souza, the front street that borders the campus with Guanabara Bay. In the design for the NAB, three main aspects were considered in the design process and in the conceptual intention: first, the relationship with the landscape, which is extremely dominant in this case; secondly, the specificity of its program, that is, the need to house a set of laboratories; and finally – and not least for that – the rescue of the public space offered by the volumetric composition of the building.

Address: Rua Edmundo March, s/n – Boa Viagem – Niterói – RJ24210-310.

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